Today’s devotion on the theme of Messy Church is from Kevin Harney.
If people decide they want to be critical of the church, it doesn’t take much effort to dig up some dirt. There are appropriate times for speaking prophetically and powerfully into the life of the church, calling Christ’s body to new levels of devotion, service, sacrifice, and justice. But I believe much of our in-house mudslinging and incessant criticism has become almost recreational, and it breaks the heart of Jesus.
When We Bash the Church, We Bash God’s People
Our tendency to attack the church betrays an errant ecclesiology. When we beat up on the church, we aren’t just attacking a faceless organization. We are criticizing real people. Some cast aspersions on the church as if it were an impersonal force, a pseudo political entity. But if I read the Bible correctly, the church is the gathered body of God’s people.
The church is an organism made up of people like you and me, the followers of Jesus. When we bash the church, we bash God’s people. When we throw rotten fruit at the church, we are throwing it at our own brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our Criticism Hampers Outreach
When we criticize the church and sling mud at Christ’s bride, our vision for outreach grows hazy. It’s difficult to invite people to meet Jesus and become part of his family when we can’t stand his bride. How can we honestly want to connect spiritual seekers to a faith family that we don’t particularly like? When people become critics of the church and slander the bride of Jesus, why should we expect lost people to be drawn to the Lord of the church?
If we want to see congregations become effective in reaching out to lost people, we need to help the church learn to love God, its community, and also itself. The days of church bashing and constant criticism need to come to an end.